Deer Repellent Spraying Service Suffolk County NY
Controling Deer Damage all year long
Choose a one-time application or select a program to help control Deer Feeding on your trees & shrubs.
Deer Spray Schedule
We service properties on a strict spraying schedule and we always recommend year round programs to help ensure maximum control. Our service is necessary in the summer as new plant growth constantly appears and just as crucial in the winter when deer’s natural foods are scarce. Most of our clients use the service on a year round basis which consists of a four week schedule for most of the year. We can offer a seasonal spraying schedule as well. The actual number of applications will depend on when you start and stop service for a specific season.
Help Control Deer Damage in Suffolk County NY!
Call Us Today 631-331-6344
Free Phone Consultations Owner Available 7 days, 7 nights