Lawn & Plant Health Care on Long Island
You can help improve your yard's appearance by keeping it healthy with our fertilization programs in addition to insect, disease & weed control services. With professional tree and lawn spraying programs provided by Smithtown Tree & Lawn Spraying Inc. We also offer party sprays to help control mosquitoes for your special outdoor events. We provide control for fleas, ticks, ants, caterpillars, inchworms, moles, voles and geese. If you are experiencing a problem with poison ivy, we can help to eliminate it. We are NYS certified in Public Health which indicates our expertise and proficiency in both chemical and organic spray applications.
If your Suffolk County yard is suffering from disease or insect infestations, contact our experienced team. Let us apply our high-quality disease-fighting products to your lawn or ask about our plant health care services to improve root growth and water retention. If you're looking for expert tree and shrub spraying, call on our certified arborists.
Landscape Maintenance Programs for Plant Health, Disease and Pest Control
Save time and money while keeping your yard looking great with help from Smithtown Tree & Lawn Spraying Inc. We offer maintenance programs that include weed & pest control, plant health care and year round service.
For a free phone consultation or to schedule an evaluation,